Many of us remember the song, “Jesus Loves Me.” If you remember the song you know that famous line, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” I want to change that slightly and give you this sermon in a sentence. Here it is, “God loves me, this I know, for the cross shows me so.” In a book called “Romans,” an apostle named Paul wrote down one of the most incredible sentences in the entire Bible which forever puts to rest the question as to whether or not God loves us. God’s love is not just a “say-so” love. It is a “show-so” love. I can say with 100% confidence, “Yes, God loves us, for the following reasons…”
This series is both for believers and unbelievers. It is for those of us who believe, but who also find ourselves saying, “Lord, help my unbelief!” It is also for those who don’t believe because of their doubts. So often the church discourages people from expressing their doubts or shames people because they have doubts. But the truth is, even the strongest believers in the Bible had doubts. And those doubts are what we’re going to dive into on a deeper level in this series.