Jesus was forsaken to that we might be forgiven. He died for our sin that we might die to sin and not in our sin. Choose today to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and know that in doing so you will die unforsaken. Accepting Jesus means you can one day leave the \"Why God?\" troubles of this earth and go to the \"My, God!\" grace of heaven.
Topics: Forgiveness
Everyone has a list of things you want to do in life. Big things. Risky things. Things you want to do before you die. Before you "kick the bucket". There's a phrase used to describe these things--a "bucket list". Maybe you've never written it down, but you've thought about it, and you probably have a few items on it. There's an ultimate bucket list. One made for us by the One Person who had the most famous death in all of history... Jesus Christ. While Jesus hung on the cross He said seven things. Seven simple, yet profound statements that give us a powerful spiritual bucket list to follow. Seven things to do before we die. Seven things to get right. And if we do them now, they'll not only get us ready to meet Jesus in heaven one day, they will positively impact how we live today and for the rest of our lives.