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Life Begins Here

March 23, 2025

If you say that someone is "living the good life," you mean they're living in comfort and luxury with few problems or worries. The good life is what our culture celebrates—financial success, personal comfort, and freedom from hardship. But there's something far greater, far more fulfilling, and far more enduring than the good life—it's "The God Life." God wants you to experience the good life by living the God life. It's life lived in the intimate presence of God, made possible through the supernatural power of God, all for the magnificent praise of God. The God life ignites when you're accomplishing the divine purpose God created you for, reflecting His glory in everything you do, and offering His goodness to a broken world that desperately needs it. How do you enter the God life? Learn from a man by the name of Elijah.

Topics: Purpose

In this series

The God Life

The God life is a life lived in the presence of God, through the power of God, for the praise of God, accomplishing the purpose of God, to give glory to God and goodness to others. In this study, Pastor James Merritt will teach lessons from the life of Elijah. Studying the life of Elijah will reveal what an extraordinary God can do through an ordinary person.

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