You may be living with guilt today, but you don’t have to live with guilt tomorrow. Let me say upfront there is no human cure for the problem of guilt because the cause of all guilt is sin and only God can deal with sin. Sin is the wound. Guilt is the infection. There is only one cure for guilt and the best doctors, surgeons, psychiatrists, counselors, psychologists, advisors, and medicines in the entire world cannot cure this illness. There is only one cure for guilt and that is forgiveness. There is only one source of true forgiveness and that is God. We are going to learn more about that truth as we study Psalm 51 in this message and learn how we can say goodbye to guilt and have a clean slate.
Topics: Guilt
Emotions in America are running from sky-high, to barrel low, and feelings affect all of us. If I were to ask you what you were feeling right now, and you were honest, it would be interesting to see if you would say things like “angry, lonely, bitter, depressed, fearful and worried.” That is why we are going to enter into a series that we are calling “No Hard Feelings.” It is amazing how much God’s Word has to say about our feelings and how we can control our feelings rather than have our feelings control us. Learning how to handle our emotions is crucial, not just our emotional health, but our physical health. So that’s exactly what we’re going to learn how to do over the next several weeks of this series.