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Find Jesus!

Have you ever experienced the life-changing power of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Do you have the inner peace of knowing that if you died today, you would go to heaven? Do you know for sure?

Life holds many twists, turns and uncertainties, yet one fact remains consistent and has since the beginning of time: true inner peace in your life begins with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the way to a relationship with God that will give you both inner peace and eternal life! He said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.”

Here’s how you can know for S.U.R.E. that you have eternal life!

The S.U.R.E. Plan


See that you are a sinner in God's eyes and separated from Him.


Understand that Christ died for your sins and rose again.


Receive God's total forgiveness for your sins by trusting Christ as your Savior.


Express your desire for Christ to be the Lord of your life.

Are You Ready to Find Jesus?

If you are willing to receive God's free gift of eternal life, you can receive Jesus Christ into your heart right now by praying this prayer:

Dear God, I am a sinner and want to be forgiven. I believe Jesus Christ, your son, died for my sins and is alive right now. I turn away from my sin and now confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and receive him into my life. I ask you, Lord Jesus, to control my life and I thank you for giving me eternal life.

Congratulations! Committing your life to Jesus Christ and deciding to follow Him are the greatest steps you have ever taken! You have decided to allow Him to be your personal Lord and Savior. To know Jesus and to follow Him is to have eternal and abundant life.

Now that you have Found Jesus, we want to help you grow! Listen below are some helpful resources prepared for you.

Resources for You As a New Believer

 Your New Life in Christ Blog

This blog is devoted to new believers and contains information designed to help you grow in Christ as you begin your new walk with the Lord.


The Bible commands believers to "pray without ceasing" (I Thess. 5:17). It would be our honor to pray for you as you begin your Christian journey.

Daily Devotion

Our daily devotional is designed to provide daily hope and encouragement direct from the Scriptures. Begin each new day by studying God's Word.