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Your Heart’s Blueprint

September 2, 2024

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”
Matthew 5:8 (NIV)

Are you ready to follow God’s blueprint for your life? 

When an architect presents a building blueprint, it remains only a design unless someone follows through to construct it. Today’s verse is from Jesus’ greatest sermon, in which He offers a blueprint for blessing, telling you how to build a flourishing and holy life. 

Jesus says that those who are “pure in heart” are blessed. The “heart” is a topic discussed in almost every book of the Bible. Your heart is the source of all your feelings, thoughts, and decisions. It’s like the cockpit, navigating all directions; it is the engine driving every part of your life. 

The word “pure” is translated from Greek and means “clean” and “without mixture.” When you are pure in heart, you experience wholeness and completeness, living with an undivided heart before God. Your heart is pure when your desire and will are for Him above everything and everyone else.

Who or what receives your heart’s attention or devotion? Is it close relationships? Finances? Work opportunities? God knows the things in your life that may distract you or take His place. 

Here’s the best news, you don’t have to strive to make your heart clean and refined. 

If you want a pure heart, God will give you one. Pray the words of Psalm 86:11, “Teach me your way, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name.” 

And what happens when God gives you a clean, undivided heart? When your heart beats for one thing – God alone – you are promised the greatest blessing of all: to see God. 

Can you think of a greater, higher, or sweeter blessing than seeing God face to face? Nothing and no one is higher than God, so seeing God must be the highest joy you could ever experience.

Ask your heavenly Father to give you an undivided heart on this Labor Day. Allow Him to cleanse your motives, desires, and thoughts so that you will be pure in heart, pursuing Him above all else. And keep your eyes open, ready for the greatest reward and delight you could imagine – seeing your God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me Your way and give me an undivided heart that I may fear Your name. I ask for a pure heart today, and the grace and power of Your Holy Spirit to desire You above all else. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Topics: Heart, Pursuing God

Bible Reference

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
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