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What is the Gospel?

October 3, 2024

“I speak the truth in Christ – I am not lying…”
Romans 9:1 (NIV)

 Would you like the confidence to share the Gospel simply and clearly?

The “truth” seems to be a controversial word right now in our nation. But as followers of Jesus, He instructs us to share Gospel truth with others. But what is that, exactly? Is it a story, a path, a list of instructions? When you have a simple explanation of the Gospel, you can share the truth with confidence. 

Jesus promises you that the Holy Spirit will teach you what to say when you share the truth. (See Luke 12:11-12) Here are three things to remember when defining the Gospel:

1. Humanity is helpless. Every person rebels against God—we’d much prefer to call all the shots. This rebellion is the result of sin entering the world in the very beginning and is now alive and well in every human being. 

The result of sin is death—both physically and spiritually. You cannot make yourself less dead. You must be brought to life by a power outside of yourself. It is like an infection and you do not have the cure. No matter what you do, the infection remains. It’s like you’re bankrupt and have overwhelming credit card debt—you just have no means to make the payment. (Read Romans 5:12, Romans 6:23)

2. Jesus died to cure and save us. Though this concept may seem curious, the Bible teaches that without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin, (Hebrews 9:22). Sin costs death; for any sin, a death is required to cover it. So Jesus stepped in to be your representative. He took the death that resulted from your sin so that you wouldn’t have to. (Read Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8) 

When you believe this, it’s like your debt gets paid, and your bankrupt account gets credit from Jesus’ payment. Your infection gets its cure. And that payment, that cure, happens because of His grace, through your faith. (Ephesians 2:1-10). Simply believe Him and you are saved.  

3. Eternal life is both now and to come. When Jesus spoke of “everlasting life,” He was talking about a certain quality of life that can only be found in the eternal God. (See John 3:16-17). With Jesus, you experience life better than you can find it anywhere else. And when you believe, Jesus assures you a forever place in “paradise” with God, (See Luke 23:43). He also promises to make heaven and earth new when all people in Christ will be resurrected, like Jesus, and reign with Him. (See 1 Corinthians 15) You are secure in life and in death.

The Gospel is simple. You don’t have to be a great preacher with a polished sermon. But it is clear and bold. This is not a story of many paths to God, or “follow your truth.” He is, as Jesus Himself declared, “the way, the truth and the life.” No one can know God in any other way apart from the Gospel. (Read John 14:6) And with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can share it with clarity and confidence. 

Prayer: God, thank You for the Gospel, the way the truth and the life in Your Son, Jesus. Thank You for making a path for me to know You, and to be with You in heaven. Help me to look at each day and each interaction I have as an opportunity to share the Gospel with someone I come into contact with. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Topics: Salvation, Gospel

Bible Reference

I am speaking the truth in Christ—I am not lying; my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit—
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