“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
Romans 8:18 (NIV)
Do you ever wonder if your suffering is a result of sin?
When you sin, it always results in suffering. The Bible teaches that without Jesus’ forgiveness, sin kills you. And though Jesus grants you life and freedom as you trust in Him, it doesn’t mean that you won’t still experience suffering.
Sin always results in suffering, but suffering is not always the result of sin. Some suffering in your life is not a result of sin at all. It can be circumstances and relationships that cause you trouble.
In Genesis 37-50, the Bible shares the story of Joseph. Joseph suffers because of the sins of others. His brothers hate him, sell him as a slave and tell his father that he is dead.
Years of suffering for Joseph follow and he does nothing to deserve it. But God uses the circumstances of suffering for His purpose.
Throughout his struggle, Joseph continues to follow God. He remains truthful, avoids temptation, and does the right thing, even when it gets him in trouble. For all of his diligence, his reward is time in prison.
But God always has a bigger plan. In the end, Joseph becomes the assistant to a king. He is reunited with his family and saves a nation from starvation.
Joseph does not have this in mind when jealous members of his own family reject him. He is likely not thinking of God’s grand providence as He looks up from a pit in horror and is sold into slavery. But God knows exactly how He will use it all for good purposes.
When you suffer, ask yourself, “What is God doing here?” Perhaps your suffering is the result of sin. Be honest and ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart.
But perhaps God is using your situation to teach you, strengthen you, or prepare you for what’s ahead. He may be empowering you to be a light and an example to those around you.
Suffering is difficult, but it can also be an opportunity to grow in your faith and strengthen your obedience to the Word of God. Just like the story of Joseph, God will always have a bigger plan. Trust Him.
Prayer: Father, Thank You for Your providence and love in my life. I praise You for working every difficulty into something good. Lord, Help me see suffering not as punishment, but as an opportunity to learn. When I suffer, help me to continue to put my trust in You, and to listen to You for what You may be teaching me or preparing me for. When I suffer, help me to be an example to those around me of a faithful follower. In Jesus’ Name and through His power, Amen.
Topics: Persecution