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The Right Path

July 24, 2024

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.
Proverbs 14:12 (ESV)

When you’re faced with an important decision, do you do what you feel God wants you to do?

It puzzles me when I hear people describe obedience to God in this way. Few passages in the Bible give me greater pause than Proverbs 14:12. This verse confirms unequivocally that, when it comes to decision making, we cannot simply trust our intuition.

Fortunately, God has not abandoned us to find His path on our own. God provides two guardrails to keep us on the right road: the Holy Word and the Holy Spirit. 

God’s Word protects us from making purely rational decisions. Our rational thinking is often opposed to God’s Word and His will. He often uses what may seem illogical to display His glory. But human logic cannot supersede God’s Word.

For example, it may seem irrational to tithe when the bills are piling up. But God is not confined by budget numbers and account balances. He receives glory when we step out in faith, obediently giving and trusting Him with our finances despite the outcome.

It may not seem rational to forgive someone who isn’t sorry. But doing so opens our hearts to this miracle of grace, despite obstacles of hurt and pain. God receives glory when we choose to obey His Word even when it is difficult.

God’s Spirit protects you from purely emotional decision-making. Contrary to popular opinion, living by the phrase, “If it feels good, do it,” leads to ruin. Feelings change with circumstances. When you base decisions purely on how you feel, regret often follows. 

The Spirit of God has a way of combining biblical wisdom and godly advice to speak to your heart. Because God’s Spirit lives in His children, you can hear God in a unique way. He will make His will known to you. 

When God speaks to you and you listen, an unshakable peace guards your heart. Know this: The will of God will never lead you where the peace of God will not keep you. 

No matter how you “feel,” you can always trust God’s Word and His Spirit to lead you down the right path.

Prayer: God, thank You for Your Word and Your Spirit to guide me. Instead of leaning on my own understanding, I choose to commit my plans to you. Please help me to always listen to Your voice above my own. In Jesus name, amen.

Topics: Obedience, Fear of God

Bible Reference

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.
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