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Second Fiddle

September 25, 2024

“Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, ‘Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.’”
Mark 9:35 (NIV)

 Someone once asked Leonard Bernstein, the late New York Symphony conductor, what the most difficult position of the orchestra was. Without hesitation, he said, “Second fiddle.” Do you know why playing second violin is so much tougher than playing a piccolo or a bassoon? It is not tougher physically; it is tougher emotionally. Everyone wants to be first-chair violin, not second fiddle.

To Jesus, greatness doesn’t come from what you accumulate or what you accomplish. It is not found in the power you hold, the possessions you own, or the place you live. Greatness is found in a heart of service. 

What does it mean to be the “servant of all”? It is not something you do, Jesus says that being a servant is something you are. It means you join Jesus and serve in every situation with every person. Invite the Holy Spirit to give you a heart of service. He will help you serve when you feel like it and when you don’t.

Perhaps you have opportunities at home, in the marketplace, with a relative, or in church. Begin to thank God for every opportunity you have to serve others. Look for ways to do jobs that others might reject. And practice playing second fiddle.  

As you do, you’ll become more like Jesus, discover fulfillment in life and work, and grow true greatness. Jesus said greatness starts at the bottom—not at the top. When you follow Jesus, He’ll show you how to take the last position and to look for the worst seat in the house. 

Jesus said you are going to approach life in one of two ways: either you will walk out the door of your house each day thinking, “How can I get other people to do what I want?” or you will think, “What are the ways I can serve others today?” Open your heart and allow the Holy Spirit to give you a heart of service.  

Imagine Jesus sitting down and calling you over. He is looking you right in the eyes, telling you about the greatness of your calling, and you stand up to face your day with His words in your heart: You are a servant of all.

Prayer: God, Remind me that greatness in Your Kingdom means looking for ways to serve others rather than to be served. Help me serve even when I feel like I cannot serve anymore. May I share Your deep satisfaction of being a servant of all—for Your glory, In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Topics: Servanthood

Bible Reference

And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”
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