“I have brought You glory on earth by finishing the work You gave Me to do.”
John 17:4 (NIV)
In John 17:4, Jesus’ prayer to the Father reveals a profound truth about completion–a word that could change your eternal destiny and continue to transform it today.
Jesus prays the word “finishing”–the same powerful word He utters on the cross when He declares, "It is finished." At that moment, Jesus painfully inhales His last breath, and exhales a declaration of faith–He has completed precisely the work God had called Him to do.
But does Jesus’ work truly conclude on that day?
To understand this, we need historical and linguistic perspectives. The Greek word in the original language in today’s verse for "finished" was well-known and powerful in both legal and financial circles in Jesus’ day.
If Roman authorities brought you before a judge, the judge would prescribe the sentence, writing out a "certificate of debt." The certificate listed your crime on one side and your penalty on the other. Guards then nailed this certificate to your door.
Once the prisoner had served his time—or if someone paid his fine– a legal authority would write across that certificate the Greek word Jesus used, meaning "paid in full." The authorities gave this certificate to the prisoner as proof that the full demands of the law had been met, freeing the prisoner from future prosecution for that crime.
When Jesus said, "It is finished," He essentially proclaimed, "Paid in full!" Jesus paid your entire sin debt at the cross, with no additional payment required.
Additionally, this declaration exists in the Greek perfect tense—meaning Jesus completed the action in the past, yet its effects continue powerfully in the present and future. In other words, Jesus brings forgiveness and salvation into your life right now and will continue to do so in every moment ahead.
Think of any fault, any sin you've ever committed. When you surrender your life to Jesus Christ, God stamps this transformative word—"finished"—over your entire history. Jesus has paid every sin debt in full, once and for all.
Prayer: Father, Thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus! Because of Him, my debt is paid in full. I praise You for Your masterful plan, for rescuing me and setting me on a path of salvation. Thank You that I never need to question Your forgiveness and grace–and thank You that You continue Your good work in me until the day of Christ Jesus. In His Name and for His sake, Amen.
Topics: Work of Christ