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Our Source And Supply

June 20, 2024

The people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey. – Exodus 16:31

One of the things that you will see throughout the books of Exodus and Numbers is how much complaining and griping the Israelites did. At different times in Exodus and Numbers, Moses and the Lord had to listen to their complaints. Every one of them had to do with food, drink, and living conditions.

You have to wonder why God let His people get thirsty and hungry. Why does God let us go through times of need, hardship, and difficulty? I believe it is because God is trying to teach us what He was trying to teach the Israelites, and that is that every single day of your life you live from His hand to your mouth.

Over the next couple of days, we are going to learn five things about God and about our daily lives that I pray will lead us to be people not of griping, but gratitude, not of complaining, but celebrating.

First, we need to understand that God is our source. One of the biggest dangers we face as God’s children and one of the biggest sins we commit is we get so used to what God gives us on a daily basis just to stay alive that we take His blessings for granted. We start thinking they are ours and that they came from our hands rather than coming from His hand. But the truth of the matter is that God is the source of everything we have. We would have nothing if it were up to us. May we remember that truth as we live our lives every single day so that we do not grow greedy or take the Lord for granted.

Second, we need to understand that God is our supply. When God sent down manna from heaven, He gave His people just enough to sustain them for the day. They couldn’t hoard. They couldn’t store up. They had just enough. He knew just what they needed, and He took care of that need. Every day that you live, God is going to give you what you need, and whatever you need He is going to supply. The same God that took care of you yesterday is the same God that will take care of you today. Remember, He is the God who supplies.

I pray you’ll join us tomorrow as we discuss three more truths about God that will help us to have a celebrating spirit rather than a complaining spirit.

Dear Lord, I’m sorry that I so often take you and your blessings for granted. Thank you for being my source and my supply. I am so grateful that you never fail to meet my needs. Please forgive me for the times I don’t appreciate your blessings and provision. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Topics: Knowing God

Bible Reference

Now the house of Israel called its name manna. It was like coriander seed, white, and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.
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