“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
This day, this very day, God has good works that He has already planned for you to do. What an amazing thought! The Creator of the universe has orchestrated not only eternity but also our days. This is why we have been saved, according to Ephesians 2:10. The verse does not say we have been created by Christ but in Christ. That is a reference to salvation. Why? To do good works…and not just any good works, but those that He has already planned for us.
Think about the implications of this truth. The place you live, where you work, who you are married to, who you live next door to, the hardships and trials that you face, your gifts and abilities…none of these things are coincidence. It is not fate that determines our days, but a loving, all-knowing God who is at work in us to bring about His plan for a lost and dying world.
Only through daily fellowship with Him will we know what these good works are that He has planned. God has designed the Christian life to require dependence on Him. Reading His Word, praying, and listening with expectation for His voice and the nudging of the Holy Spirit are all ways that He guides us each day.
Hearing God’s voice is not automatic. We must intentionally cultivate a listening heart if we expect to hear Him. It is a noisy, chaotic world we live in each day. And it will take effort to rid our lives of what drowns out His voice and steals our affection for Christ.
God’s work in your life is not just for your benefit. It is for the glory of His Name. He has ordained each and every believer to participate in His work. He does not need us, for God needs nothing and no one. But He wants us. He desires to work both in and through His children so that every nation, tribe, and tongue can hear of His goodness. For He alone is worthy of their praise.
So live today knowing that nothing you face is by chance.
Father, it gives me great comfort to know that You have a plan for my life. I do not have to spend my energy and time worrying about what You want me to do. Instead, I can walk in confident expectation today that You will use me if I will pay attention to Your voice. Help me to cultivate a listening heart. Show me the noise in my life that keeps me from hearing Your voice and give me the strength to get rid of these distractions. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Topics: Work of Christ