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Let Go of FOMO

August 20, 2024

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
Matthew 5:6 (NIV)

Are you afraid of missing out? 

When Peter McGinnis was a student at Harvard Business School in the early 2000s, he penned a column for the student newspaper, arguing that one of the forces driving student schedules was what he called “the Fear of Missing Out.” 

FOMO for short, is the fear that you will miss out on something exciting or interesting, assuming that other people are happier or having more fun somewhere else. 

We all want to be included and invited, and we often feel like what we have or do is insufficient.  

But the words of Jesus confront this fear with a promise: desire Him and you will never miss out. One thing you can count on when you hunger and thirst for God and His righteousness is that you will never leave empty-handed. In this verse, Jesus promises you blessing and fulfillment instead of fear and disappointment. 

You are made in such a way that the only thing that will ever satisfy your heart, soul, and mind is God and His righteousness. And through Jesus, God gives you all of Himself and His righteousness. That’s why His promise in Matthew 5:6 can be trusted like a guarantee: “You will be filled.” You can count on it. 

The word used in this verse for “filled” means to be completely satisfied. Jesus promises that when you desire Him more than anything else, you will experience total contentment, fulfillment and well-being. 

So you can let go of FOMO. There is no greater peace, no greater joy, no greater satisfaction, and no greater fulfillment than to know that you're right with God. And this righteousness is available to you in Jesus Christ. Desire Him, because there’s nothing greater anywhere else. 

Prayer: Father, Thank you for satisfying my thirst and filling my heart with good things. I am bringing my fear and disappointment to you. Sometimes I am afraid of missing out, of missing Your path for me. But I know that is because I am still learning that Your love is all I need. Continue to lead me in Your grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Topics: Righteousness, Desiring God

Bible Reference

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
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