“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV)
Ever catch that whisper in your mind saying you don't measure up?
Did you know that the number one reason highly successful people go to counseling, get psychological help, and seek therapy is called “Imposter Syndrome”?
Imposter Syndrome is the persistent feeling that you are just not good enough. It is the fear that you are inadequate, a fraud, and a fake. In other words, it is a struggle with self-esteem.
Self-esteem is a challenge that affects everyone–even the richest and the most famous of people. Madonna, who has built wealth to the tune of $850 million and has been in the musical world for 30 years, is an example of the world’s definition of success.
Yet she once said, “My drive in life is from this horrible fear of being mediocre. And that is always pushing me, pushing me. Because even though I become somebody I still have to prove that I’m somebody. My struggle has never ended and it probably never will.”
You don’t have to live wondering if you are successful. You can know your true value is in Christ.
This transformation happens not on the outside, but on the inside. You may tend to focus on fixing the outside–like appearance, social status, and wealth. Chasing these temporary, shallow ideals only leaves you feeling emptier, because enough is never enough.
Allow the Holy Spirit who formed you to reform your thinking about how much you matter to Him. Your identity is established in Christ–you don’t need to earn it or prove anything. You can rest in who God has made you to be.
True self-esteem comes only from God since He is your Creator. He alone knows who you are and why you are that way. He sees and knows your deepest insecurities, doubts and fears. And not only does He see them, He can speak to them with all authority because He is God.
Do you suffer from Imposter Syndrome? There is a cure. Come to Christ and His Word and discover how precious you are to Him. And ponder the lengths He has gone to demonstrate it.
Prayer: Father God, Thank You for Your unconditional love for me. Thank You for the worth You place on my life–You gave Your very own son because You love me. It’s difficult to comprehend, Lord. But help me see it, and see You in all Your fullness, so that I too, can accept Your creation, wholly and dearly loved–no matter how I feel about myself. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Topics: Love