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Honoring Your Parents

January 17, 2022

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12

There was once a mother who had become quite old. She was infirmed and couldn’t get around very well. She had to move in with her son’s family. Things weren’t working out too well, because the mother was forgetful and she didn’t always put things away. She wasn’t all that neat and had a tendency to drop things. The son and especially his wife were kind of neat-freaks. One night at dinner while they were passing her plate full of food, she dropped it and broke it. Not only did food go all over the floor, but the daughter-in-law was outraged, because this was a plate from the finest China set she owned. After dinner, the wife told her husband to walk down to the store and buy a tin plate (one that wouldn’t break). When he asked what it was for, she told him it was going to be used by his mother from now on so she wouldn’t break any more of her fine China. When the husband got back, his wife discovered he had bought two tin plates. She said, “Why did you buy two?” He said, “The other plate is for you – when you get old.”

There is one thing all of us have in common. We all have, or have had, parents. Jesus was no exception, and He died fulfilling the Fifth Commandment: Honor your father and your mother. You are never too old to honor your parents; and your parents are never too old to be honored. If Jesus could honor His Mother while He was dying on the cross, how much more should we honor our parents while we are living? The older our parents get, the more determined we should be to love them and look after them. We should care for them more compassionately as they age because parents are never a burden – they are a blessing.

Are your parents still living? How is your relationship with them? Do you make room in your schedule for them? When you were young they likely served you and met every need you had. Are you returning the favor? If I were to ask your parents, “Do you feel honored by your son or daughter?” How would they respond? Make sure they always know how much you love and respect them. God will honor you if you will honor your parents.

God, Help me to honor my parents. Thank You for showing me how to do that through Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Topics: Family

Bible Reference

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.
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