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September 11, 2024

“I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.”
Romans 9:2 (NIV)

Would you like the Holy Spirit to share His heart with you? 

The Apostle Paul carried a burden on his back and grief in his heart everywhere he went. But it was not from his mortgage or the pressures of life. It was a deep and enduring concern for people who did not have a personal relationship with Jesus. 

We all carry burdens. It may be financial, emotional, relational, physical or political concerns weighing you down. But if you are honest, do you carry a deep concern for people who are separated from God? 

The Apostle Paul welcomed God’s compassion into his heart. Romans 9:2 tells us that his anguish was “unceasing”, meaning it never eased or let up. Paul was continuously heartbroken for those without hope and without Jesus.

When you grow closer to God, what matters most to Him begins to matter more to you. Whatever breaks His heart begins to break your heart. And God’s heart is most concerned about people who do not know His love through His Son. 

Most of us want to avoid sorrow and anguish. But as followers of Jesus, we must enter into anguish and sorrow, not run away from it. And on an important day like today, as you remember the victims and families of those lost in the attacks of September 11, take a moment to pray, and share in God’s heart of sorrow over the sin and death that wage war in our world. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can enter into sorrow and anguish with God, and not look away from others.

These feelings may be uncomfortable and disruptive. But God understands the sorrow of separation and is ready to give you His heart. Hosea 11:8 describes God’s heart aching within Him from compassion for His people. In Matthew 23:37-39, Jesus laments for Jerusalem, longing for an unwilling Israel to turn their hearts back to Him.

And Jesus’ sorrow and anguish move Him to offer His life to heal that separation. This kind of anguish is not just a feeling but creates action. Ask the Holy Spirit to share His heart with you, and you too will begin to act when you encounter those separated from God.

It can be easy to get caught up in the pace of life and lose sight of what matters most – the souls of people and the glory of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to tune your heart to the unceasing melody of His compassion as He helps you share your story of grace and hope with others.

Prayer: Father, May the Gospel become the soundtrack of my life, constantly playing in my heart as I live each day. Share Your heart with me, and may I also be heartbroken for those who are separated from You. Grow in me a deep love and concern for people. Open my eyes to the opportunities You place in my life to share the story of Your goodness in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Topics: Compassion, Evangelism

Bible Reference

that I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.
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