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Displaying God’s Glory in Your Community

September 27, 2022

“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”  Colossians 3:16

My home city is a few hours' drive from the gulf coast of Florida. Like many, I’ve traveled on vacation there and enjoyed the magnificent sunsets over the Gulf of Mexico. The sun lowers itself behind a patchwork of clouds, coloring them vivid purples and pinks and oranges, and then as it hits the water, a brilliant display of dancing light on liquid and in the sky appears. I’ve often thought, “How great and glorious is our God!” watching His creation paint such a magnificent display.

God’s glory is on display in other places besides the mountains and the trees and the sunsets and the oceans. Have you ever wondered how God displays His glory among people and communities? One way is through His Church.

God uses His church to display His glory as we serve others in the name of Jesus. Most importantly, when we preach the Gospel we are glorifying God by sharing the most important message of all time. The Church shows the world through our abiding commitment to God that He is worthy of our devotion, and as God works in and through us He shows Himself to His creation. The Church, then, is an instrument of God’s glory on earth.

How does your community see God’s glory through your life? Let it be by the way you care for and desire that everyone in your sphere of influence know God and believe the Gospel. You, and your entire church, can and should be an instrument of God’s glory.

God, may my life and the people of my local church show Your glory each and every day by the way we live, love, serve, and share in our community. Teach us to be selfless, kind, considerate, and to care about others more than ourselves. Help us to put You first in all things, so that we display Your glory to those around us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Topics: Servanthood

Bible Reference

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
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