“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:7-10
God reveals Himself to man in several ways. He does it through His Word, the Bible. He did it through Jesus Christ, Who lived as a man, died for our sins, and rose from the dead. And God also reveals Himself through His creation. It’s important to note that we use a specific term about God—“revealing.” God does not tell us everything about Himself and we can never completely know all there is to know about God. He is knowable, but also beyond human comprehension. So everything that God does reveal about Himself is designed to help us know Him and relate to Him more fully.
Creation is complex. Land, sea, air, animals, plants, ecosystems, planets, orbits, stars, cosmic motions, and events—God’s creation is incredibly complex. And just think about the complexity of man. Our thoughts, ideas, intellect, ability to learn… to grow and pass on knowledge and experience, our emotions, and the working of our physical bodies—all of these aspects of humankind are incredibly rich. In observing creation we observe that God is incredibly complex. In revealing His complex nature, God reminds us that often we may not fully understand how He is working in a given circumstance. Just as we trust that the sun will rise and set as needed, though we do not fully understand how the sun operates, or was created, or sustains itself, we can also trust God in situations we don’t fully understand that affect our daily lives.
Creation is beautiful. Varieties of plants and flowers, amazing animals, incredible and breathtaking landscapes, and the exquisite colors of a sunset are but some of the examples of the inherent beauty of creation. Creation reveals the beauty of God.
Creation is bigger than man. The vastness of God’s creation is nearly incomprehensible. We have tried to observe and measure the edges of the universe but in reality, we have no way of knowing its true scope within the limits of our best science. And even within the portion we know, our nearest star is unreachable by any means we currently have. And what lies between the stars and planets? Empty space? We can’t even define the space between the atoms that make up our bodies, and yet it is there and we don’t fall apart. Creation reveals God’s nature in comparison to that of man, vast and incomprehensible…infinitely glorious. We cannot know His limits and cannot measure Him in any way because He is immeasurable.
Dear God, thank You that Your creation reveals Your character. In its complexity, its beauty, and its immeasurable expanse I can see aspects of You, the Holy Creator. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Topics: Creation