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Comfort or Commitment?

March 12, 2025

“They put gall in My food and gave Me vinegar for My thirst.” 
Psalm 69:21 (NIV) 

These three words of Jesus on the cross remind you how secure you are in Christ.  

Just before Jesus gives up His spirit, He says “I am thirsty.” But He didn’t speak these words because of thirst alone. According to John 19:28, He said these words to fulfill Scripture. 

Jesus recognized that even His pain and suffering were included in God’s plan. As He hung on the cross asking for water, the Scriptures were fulfilled.  

Ever wonder if your struggles matter to God? Think about your toughest moments–a job loss, health scare, or a broken relationship. Like us, Jesus experienced real pain–even thirst on the cross.  

But Jesus’ suffering was not an accident. He willingly laid His life down for you. And His Father incorporated His suffering and turned it into glory.  

Hundreds of years before Jesus was crucified, King David prophesied in Psalm 69:21 saying, “They put gall in My food and gave Me vinegar for My thirst.” When Roman soldiers offered Jesus wine vinegar to drink, they fulfilled God’s Word and His plan. John 19:29 says, “A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips.” 

Nothing in your life is left to chance–God has an important plan for you. With Him, you encounter appointments, not accidents. Even when your circumstances feel uncomfortable or painful. God never wastes your pain, sorrow or your suffering. He comforts you and brings goodness out of it.   

Fulfilling God’s plan for your life may include suffering. But just as the Father prepared His Word to comfort Jesus in His darkest moment, you can rest assured God provides His promise and comfort in your every moment.  

Prayer: Father, Thank You for Your plan. Help me surrender to Your Will, even when it means I set comfort aside to put your kingdom first. When I have doubts or fears, help me remember Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for me–let me be motivated by His love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen 

Topics: Discipleship

Bible Reference

They gave me poison for food, and for my thirst they gave me sour wine to drink.
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