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Chasing Glory

October 10, 2024

“How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?” 
John 5:44 (NIV)

 Would you like to stop people-pleasing? Today’s verse will help you.

Jesus asks His disciples a unique question in John 5:44. He says, “How can you believe when you receive glory from one another…?” Jesus is saying that you cannot have faith in God and seek affirmation from people. It is impossible to chase both the glory of man and the glory of God at the same time.

Why? Because when you seek the “glory of man”, your confidence and security comes from receiving affirmation from people. But this is not what you were made for. You were made to experience security and confidence in God alone.

Jesus says that there is a “glory” that comes from the only God. The word used in this verse for “glory” means honor or renown. When you seek God and His glory, He will honor and reward you.

To “seek” means you search for, require and investigate. When you seek God’s splendor, the praise of people will lose its luster. You’ll want the honor and renown of your God above anything else. 

The belief Jesus is talking about in John 5:44 isn’t merely the intellectual belief of certain facts about God. It is deeper than that. It means being so sure of the truth of Jesus’ opinion of you that you stake your life on Him and His words.

This type of belief changes the way you live. Allow God to be your center, your purpose and your reason. Let Christ be everything to you. Then you will be released from seeking recognition or affirmation from others. 

Chase the glory of God and you’ll never chase the praise of people again.

Prayer: Dear God, help me to seek Your glory today above everything else. Please show me where I am living for the approval of other people and not You. And help me instead chase the glory that comes from the only God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Topics: Pursuing God, Glory

Bible Reference

How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?
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