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Cast Off

August 29, 2024

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life...”
Matthew 6:25a (NIV)

Freedom and enjoyment in life start with casting off. 

All great voyages begin the same way. Once all the passengers board, the ship’s horn sounds, and most of those on board rush up onto the deck. The thick ropes that held the ship to the dock are let go. Then the vibration of the engines can be felt in the steel beneath your feet. Moments later, the dock and shoreline begin to slip away. 

The ship has cast off. It has been released from the many lines that held it firmly to land, and it is free to move into the open water. There is a rush to the senses as you realize that you are finally underway—a journey has begun and you are a part of it! 

In today’s passage, Jesus instructs you not to be anxious about life. Why? Because Your good Father cares so much for you and will provide everything you need. You can let go of anxiousness and embrace anticipation for the journey ahead because God has good plans for your life.

You can rest today because your heavenly Father is already in tomorrow. You can release the fear of not having enough because He knows what you need before you ask. You can let go of worry because God will provide sufficient grace for every trouble you face. 

Cast off any binding ropes of anxiousness and fear you may have. You don’t have to stay docked to your challenges any longer, moored to every piece of bad news, or tied to those things you cannot control. With Jesus as your Captain, even the waves and storms of life cannot sink you on your journey. 

Embrace the peace and freedom Jesus offers and enjoy the voyage. Feel the motion He provides under your feet, and get underway. You can stop looking back at the dock, worrying if everything will be okay. Instead, you can look to the open ocean and marvel at the freedom ahead of you on the vast sea of God’s grace. 

Prayer: Good Father, Thank You for giving me hope and confidence in my future with You. Help me to cast my fear and anxiety on You, and to live a life of freedom in You, knowing that You always have my best interest at heart. Help me not to hold on to every anxious thought that comes my way. Instead, let me cast off and enjoy the journey You have prepared for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Topics: Fear, Faith

Bible Reference

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
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