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Can You Read?

January 17, 2025

 “Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.”
Matthew 22:29 (NIV)

Would you like to understand your Bible the way the Author intended?  

In today’s verse, Jesus rebukes the Pharisees. They were the most learned religious leaders of the Jewish people in those days. But Jesus did not think they knew how to read the Holy Scriptures…something they were required to know to even be a Pharisee. 

How could this be? Jesus knows that it is possible to read the words of Scripture, but fail to understand what the Author intends for you to know. 

Reading the Bible isn’t just seeing the words on a page. It’s also not just going through the motions. Reading the Word means allowing your thoughts, feelings and actions to be influenced by His thoughts.

How do you know this to be true? Almost every time Jesus rebukes the Pharisees, He asks them, “Have you not read…?” When the Pharisees would question Jesus’ actions, He would respond with, “Have you not read…?” Of course, they had read whatever text He mentioned–and He knew they had read it. 

But He was saying that they were living like they had never read it. They had failed to put His words into practice. According to Jesus, “reading” the Word means that you understand His heart and therefore live in a new way.   

You don’t have to make the same mistake the Pharisees made. You can look into the Scripture and ask for the power of God to understand and live it. The Bible can have personal, spiritual significance to you.

Each day as you read God’s Word, ask yourself two questions: Who did Jesus say and what am I going to do about it? Let the Author’s great message infiltrate your heart and influence your life.

You can have a similar experience to a gentleman who recently came to our church. He told me over breakfast how he was converted to Christ from Hinduism by spending time alone with the Bible, reading it from cover to cover. He was so impacted by the person and power of Jesus that he became a Christian. 

He left the religious experience he’d always known, trusting Christ on his own. That is the power of God through His Word. Let that same power meet you in your room as you truly read the Scripture, allowing the Scripture to read and change you.  

Prayer: Lord God, thank You for Your Word. Please forgive me for the times I read the words on the page and still miss the point. Help me learn the truth of Your Word and live through Your power. I want to both recognize Jesus as Lord and live like He is Your chosen King. Please help me to honor Your Word every time I read it by putting it into practice. In Jesus’ Name and for His Sake, Amen.

Topics: Obedience, Word of God

Bible Reference

But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.
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