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Blessings Not Burdens

July 10, 2024

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. 
James 1:17 (ESV)

What gifts in life, work, or relationship are you most thankful for today?

Maybe it is the people you love and the gift of their love in return. Or your last meal, your closet full of clothes, your most treasured memories and keepsakes. 

All of these, the Bible says, are from the Lord. 

But bounty can often sour over time. Turn on cable news and you’ll see how the gift of democracy can slip into political cynicism and slander. New work opportunities require renewed effort, which can make us feel stressed and overwhelmed. Countless daily decisions and responsibilities demand our attention.

Many “good and perfect” gifts can yield headaches, struggles, and frustration. 

The homes we love need upkeep, requiring money and maintenance. The children we cherish often test our patience through disobedience and disrespect. Even a dream job will entail relentless focus and energy. And you don’t need me to tell you the gift of marriage is hard work. 

We often view God’s good gifts as burdens rather than blessings. 

But let me ask you this: What makes a gift “good and perfect”? Is it what is being received or the Giver who is giving the gift? Every gift God the Giver gives is good and perfect. 

Gifts can come in all shapes and sizes. The stocked refrigerator is a gift, and so is a meager piece of daily bread. They're both good and perfect because God provided them. That is why the final part of this verse says these good gifts come from God, “who does not change like shifting shadows.” 

The emphasis in this verse is not on the good and perfect gifts but upon the good and perfect Giver.

God is the Father of light, unchanging despite your changing circumstances. He is your Wise Father whose good gifts are always for your good, even when things do not seem good. 

Are you willing to open your hands in faith to receive all that your good Father longs to give?

Prayer: Father, Thank You for being the good and perfect Giver. I acknowledge that every good thing in my life is from You, and You will work every difficult thing into something good. Please help me rest in the truth that You are unchanging, my constant Friend and the Hand that will never let me go. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Topics: God's Gifts, Thankfulness

Bible Reference

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
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