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A Holy Appetite

August 19, 2024

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.”  
Matthew 5:6a (NIV)

Did you know that contentment begins with your appetite?

Matthew 5:6 describes an attitude that brings blessing. In Jesus’ time, food was difficult to produce, so His listeners understood the pangs of hunger. And in Israel’s dry and arid climate where water was scarce, everyone knew what it meant to be thirsty. 

The word Jesus uses in this verse for “hunger” means famished, to be in desperate need of food. And the word for “thirst” is not a little water to cool your throat, but the parched feeling of a dry and swollen tongue, longing for a drink. 

Stress, frustration, loneliness or grief cause us to hunger for comfort, and thirst for encouragement and assurance. Jesus is saying that the only way to quench your thirst and satisfy the hunger of your heart is to bring it to Him, to direct the longings of your soul heavenward. Jesus is talking about a hunger for nourishment that calories cannot provide. 

And just like a good meal begins with a healthy appetite, your spiritual well-being starts with a healthy spiritual appetite. A healthy appetite means that your heart, soul and mind will not be satisfied with anything less than righteousness. 

Perhaps you feel dry or spiritually stagnant. Bring your thirst to the Holy Spirit. Welcome His refreshing presence, as His peace cascades into your heart. 

And God will help you have a holy appetite – You will want everything God wants for your life. What happens when you have an appetite for Him? Jesus promises that you will be blessed. The word used in this verse for “blessed” could also be translated as “happy.” 

Happiness is therefore not found in what you have or what you do, but in a heart that hungers for Him. Jesus declares that blessing and contentment come from an earnest desire for Him. 

Prayer: Good Father, Thank you for being all I need. Help me have a holy appetite for You. Thank you for promising to nourish my heart with peace and joy. Teach me what it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Topics: Contentment, Righteousness

Bible Reference

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
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